Swimming with Musculoskeletal Conditions

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Some of the benefits of exercise in water for MSK conditions

Exercising in water is often recommended for people with arthritis and other MSK conditions, for a number of reasons:

  • The water helps to support the weight of your body, reducing
    strain on painful joints.
  • Water provides a degree of resistance for you to work against,
    which can help to strengthen your muscles.
  • Movements in water are easy to adapt if you have a disability.
  • There are also benefits to conditions that are sometimes
    associated with MSK conditions such as obesity, diabetes
    and cardiovascular disease.
    Swimming is an excellent form of exercise for a musculoskeletal
    condition, as it will take some of your joints through their full
    range of motion in a way that sometimes might be difficult or
    painful out of the water.

For further information please visit the link ‘Swimming with Health Conditions’ https://www.swimming.org/justswim/get-healthier/swimming-with-health-conditions/

There is a specific one for MSK conditions via https://www.swimming.org/justswim/musculoskeletal-conditions-swimming/

The Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Swimming Report is also available here

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